Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Comes to a Close

Well it has been one heck of a year. I know we have not posted nearly often enough about Katelyn's progress this year and for that I apologize. I will try to be better as we get into the new year, I promise.

Katelyn is now a very opinionated almost two and a half year old who loves to read and do puzzles as well as sing. She has gotten extremely verbal over the last few weeks and is using complete sentences all the time now. She has also started to show interest in using the potty and likes to go each time Mommy does.

For Halloween she dressed up as a little devil. She was very cute, although was not incredibly fond of the hood portion of the costume. She had a lot of fun going trick or treating and got enough candy to last a few weeks. When it was finally gone, she was very upset and want to go out and get more.

We went to Grandma and Da's house for Thanksgiving again this year. Katelyn was a bit shy around their friends, but warmed up after 30-40 minutes or so. She was SOOO excited to get to drink out of a big girl glass (that's apple juice, btw) and eat at the table with everyone without a high chair. She also got to help make the pumpkin pie as well as the whipped cream. After dinner, she even got the lick the beater from the whipping cream!!

We all went back east to Maine for Christmas this year. Katelyn really enjoyed the airplane trips and was disappointed when she was not allowed to fly the plane herself. She spent a lot of time with Memere and Pepere and had a lot of fun playing and reading books with them. The first night we were together, we were explaining that these were the people she had been talking to on the phone all those times. She looked at each and said the following: "You Memere? You Pepere? ...... That YOU!?!?" Her face was all scrunched up and it was like a light turned on over her head when she made the connection. It was a sight to see.

She got to see her great grandmothers again as well as a number of aunts, uncles and cousins she had never met before. Although a bit overwhelmed at first, she did get into things and had a good time at each gathering.

This was also the first time she really experienced snow in a meaningful way. There was a blizzard the day after we arrived, which is how she was really introduced to it, and that pretty much turned her off from wanting to play in it. It was cold and wet and wouldn't come off her shoes. After a couple days she got into stomping on the snow to make foot prints in it and sticking a finger into a snow bank to make a face, but that was about as far as she was willing to go.

All in all a very full year. We are expecting a new baby in March, so Katelyn will soon be a big sister.

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