Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fall '09 Update

Katelyn is really enjoying her new school. She has a number of new friends that she talks about each day after we pick her up. She went on her first field trip a couple weeks ago to a pumpkin patch and played in a jumper with her classmates. It was a lot of fun for her. She is getting really good at puzzles, and still enjoys doing art of all kinds.

She is also a great big sister!! She loves to get down on the floor or into the crib with Matthew to play with him. He has gotten very adept at grabbing her hair, at the base of her skull usually, and she keeps coming back for more. I think she likes being able to tell him not to do something. ;) She still likes to help feed him and offers him some of her foods, when they are things he can eat. She will smush her peas in her fingers and feed them to him, or break off some of her bread for him to munch on.

Matthew is 8 months old now and adores his sister. He lights up when she comes into view and gets upset when she goes away. He has fun playing peek a boo with her and has been trying to keep up with her chatter in the back seat each day. He loves to talk!

He has 4 teeth now. The first came through on October 16th and the other 3 were in within 1.5 weeks. He also has at least 1 more coming in, and he continues to try them out on everything. He has gotten his fingers good at least 3 times now...once even drew blood!! He likes to sit up and play but prefers for us to hold him up so he can stand. He was even cruising a little for the first time last weekend while holding onto his stroller. He wants to be able to keep up with his sister so badly.

Matthew is very big on solid foods. He eats most of the vegatable and fruit combinations available and even likes the meat meal medlies. Katelyn would never eat any of the meat ones. Chicken noodle and turkey with rice seem to be his favorites. He also will mow through Cheerios and Gerber poofs like there is no tomorrow. Bread has become a staple for him as well. He will yearn for ours when his is all gone. We are really looking forward to feeding him at Thanksgiving. So many good foods to eat!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Katelyn turns 3!!

Katelyn turned 3 last week. We had a joint birthday party with her friend Caelyn, who turned 3 the week before. It was a lot of fun at a local park cooking hamburgers and hot dogs and playing on the playground. We had a princess cake and piƱata as well as some arts and crafts for the kids to do. The girls had a blast with the glitter glue and beads!! :)

On her birthday, we went to one of her favorite restaurants and had a nice dinner, with a birthday sundae for dessert.

She is now 39 ½ inches tall and weighs in at 32 ½ pounds. She loves to play Candyland (especially her new Dora version) and Memory. She still enjoys listening to music and dancing in her room and is singing songs almost all the time, especially to Matthew when he is upset or as we go through the supermarket.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Matthew is 4 Months Old!!!

We can hardly believe that 4 months ago today Matthew joined our family. It seems like it was just last month. He is getting bigger every day. He now weighs in at 16lbs 15oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. He is very chatty every evening and loves to watch Katelyn whenever she is within sight. He is also reaching for anything he can get his hands on, especially his sister's hair. She likes to get really close when talking to him, and he is getting better every day at holding her there. :)

He eats so much that we started him on solid foods a little over a week ago. He has taken to the rice cereal very well. As you can see, Katelyn loves to help feed him. We usually take turns, with her dictating who goes next. ;) He will start veggies this week. Here's hoping he likes them as much as Katie did.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Summer Fun '09

Katelyn and her friend Caelyn went to the county fair over the weekend. They got to see lots of animals, eat ice cream and go on some really fun rides. She really loved the dragon roller coaster!!

Katelyn has also started to go to the local pool on really hot days. She is getting braver with each visit and will now lay back accross our arms with her head back in the water. She has been practicing her kicking in the tub every time she takes a bath. She delights in seeing us get wet from her efforts. :)

Katelyn got to go to their first movie this summer, too. We went with Caelyn to see "Up". It was a lot of fun and they were both very good in the theatre, keeping their 3-D glasses on the whole time, even when the seats tried to eat them up.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast....

Matthew is 6 weeks old now and growing more and more each day. He had a check up on Monday and is already 12 pounds 2 oz and 23 inches long. He holds his head up and looks around all the time now and is starting to get the hang of tummy time. He is also spending more and more time awake the last few days, checking out the world around him the whole time.

Katelyn is doing great with potty training. She has not had any accidents in 2 weeks and always tells us when she needs to go. She has started playing "Dora the Explorer" in the car on the way home. Dora is her favorite show. She especially likes to play out being Swiper the Fox and swiping our stuff, like the character in the show does. She then tells the story of what we have to do in order to get our stuff back, just like Dora does in each episode. It has been really neat to see her imagination grow along with her ability to tell the story.

Katelyn is also still loving being the big sister. She bring Matthew his passy, covers him with his blankets, helps with giving him baths and holds him at least once a day. She also likes to sing him songs and it is her job to calm him down if he gets fussy in the car. She does a great job with that. He enjoys looking at her from his bouncy seats and sticks his tongue out at her when she gets in his face. She needs to be careful, though, because Matthew tends to spit up a lot and if she gets too close just after he eats, she gets a surprise. ;)