Sunday, October 22, 2006

Another Big First!!!

Katelyn rolled over for the first time from her tummy to her back ALL BY HERSELF!!!!! She was on her playmat for some tummy time, and apparently decided she didn't like it anymore. So she wiggled around a bit and managed to get over onto her back. She was very surprised as to how this all happened. You can tell by the look on her face in the last shot.

Here I am on my mat.

What just happened????

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Katelyn is 10 weeks old!

Katelyn turned 10 weeks old this week!!! She is now 24 and 1/2 inches long and weighs more than 13 pounds. :) As you can see, she is getting very good at holding her head up and loves checking herself out in the mirror on her playmat.

Katelyn also loves playing in her rocking chair. She loves making it move by kicking her legs and batting at the animal toys that hang down. She has been drooling a lot lately, so has started wearing bibs a lot.

We went to see Grandma and Grandpa a couple weeks ago and had a new hat to wear. As you can see, it doesnt quite fit just right yet, but Katelyn is growing so fast, it will soon. :)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Big Week of Firsts

We have had a very big week of firsts this week.

Monday was Katelyn's first day at daycare. She stays with a very nice lady named Jennifer who has a couple other babies she takes care of as well as a few slightly older kids. She loved playing in the swing and seeing the dogs and bird they have as pets. :)

It was hard for Mom and Dad to say goodbye in the morning.

Katelyn had a lot of fun, although she did not get much sleep. Which brings us to her next 'first' of the week. Monday night, she slept through the night for the first time. When we woke at 4 am and found her still sound asleep after going down at 8pm, we were slightly worried, but she ate when we woke her up and went right back to sleep again. At 6:30, she was still sound asleep and had to be roused again so we could take Dad to work.

That morning, while we were still getting ready, and Katelyn was relaxing on a pillow on the bed, she rolled over off the pillow for the first time. :) She shocked herself by doing it, but did it again right after when we put her back on the pillow. Granted, she had a bit of an assist from gravity with this one, but she is well on her way to doing on the floor as well. She can get herself almost onto her side at this point. :)

The final first of the week (well so far) is that she has gotten her first cold. :( She awoke this morning around 3am having trouble breathing because of a very stuffed up nose. She is ok, just a little miserable from the congestion.