Friday, February 09, 2007

6 Months and Counting

Katelyn is now 6 months old. She is up to 16 pounds 10 ounces and 27 1/2 inches tall. She got an exersaucer this past weekend and she absolutely loves it. She also still likes being in her jumper. Every time we stand her up in our laps she jumps. :) She still loves music and sings along when we play some, especially Disney, which drives Jeremy crazy.

It appears that Katlyn will have two different colored eyes. Her left is most definitely brown, like ours are, but her right eye is blue-green and doesn't seem to be changing any further. Her birthmark is responding very well to the steroid cream we put on daily. It is much less puffy than it was two months ago. She goes for a check up for that next Friday. We are also happy to report that the MRI/MRA came back normal. Oh, and there is a brain in there, in case you were all curious. :)

She is eating solid foods a lot more now. She has tried squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas so far and really likes the squash and peas. We will be trying a couple fruits this weekend. We are confident that she will gobble those down as well. Her first tooth is now completely in and the second has started to break through as well. It has gotten fairly painful for us when she tries to chew on our fingers, now.