8 Months Update
Katelyn is becoming more and more indipendant every day. She prefers to feed herself whenever possible and eats 3 big meals of solid foods a day now, plus snacks. She loves the rice cakes that Julia sent over from England for Easter. Thank you so much for the bottle as well. It is very easy for her to hold on her own.
She can sit up like a champ and has even begun moving around a bit, especially when she has stuff to push off of, like Mommy or Daddy's laps. :) She is bound to be crawling very soon. We also think she is teething again as there has been a bit of extra fussing lately and last night was extremely restless. She still loves people and playing with other kids. She also loves being outside and looking around at all the trees and plants around our house.
I think her favorite thing to play with, however, is our cat, Terry. Every time Terry comes in the room, Katelyn focuses all of her attention on her. She pets her whenever she gets within arms reach, sometimes a bit too roughly, but Terry is very good about it. She will walk away when she has had enough but has never retaliated in any way for all the yanks on the ears and tail. And she keeps coming back for more.