18 Month Update
Katelyn has reached 18 months and is constantly on the move. She now weighs in at 24 pounds, 5 ounces and is 2' 9.5" tall. She is getting much more independent, wanting to get into her carseat on her own and climb stairs without help. She has started to use a few more spoken words and is picking up on more and more signs each day. It is amazing to see how well she can communicate what she wants through simple motions and a few choice words.
She eats fruit like it is going out of style and is so much better with utensils than she was even a month ago. She is willing to try almost anything we feed her, although there are limits to what she will eat. Deli meats are acceptable but larger chunks of meat are not. Peas are a hit, but not so much green beans.
She did help us make cookies last weekend. She liked helping us stir but was very upset by the fact that we would not let her eat all the sugar on her own. She did get a treat when helping Mom open the brown sugar box. As soon as the package was open, in went her hand and when it came back out it was covered. She got it into her mouth so fast; there was no way to stop her. ;) It was a lot of fun. When she eats the cookies, she does not gobble them down, as we expected her to. She takes her time and makes them last. It is very cute to see.