Thursday, November 08, 2007

15 Month Update

Katelyn has hit the 15 month mark and is doing great!! She is 33.5 inches tall now and weighs 22lbs 4 oz. She has begun to demand that she feed herself at every meal and is improving each day with actually getting most of the food into her mouth, even if that means discarding the utensils.

Katelyn also loves to go on walks. She is fascinated by everything she sees outside and loves to look at and touch as much as she can get her little hands on. She also does not like to be carried much anymore. She is becoming almost too independent. Eating dirt and rocks has become a game to see how much she can get in her mouth before we stop her. She takes her time at each stop along the way to investigate whatever has caught her eye. Some days she likes to bring souvenirs home with her, some days not.

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